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(2 edits) (+1)

Could do with a little more clarity on what each stat does. Sure, the bread-related terms are cute, but apart from Freshness I don't know what anything else does or what it means if I upgrade it.

The stats needed to unlock each form / weapon also need to be explained. At first I thought they unlock as long as your stats are higher than the requisite ones, but when only Crouton and I.C. Sandwich were left, I started to think I only unlocked the others by accident.

Not a bad game so far!

Edit: I unlocked the last two by trying to get as close as possible to the requirements. It seems there's a bit of leeway and you don't have to match them exactly, but it could still be clearer.

Thanks for playing! I definitely get what you are saying when it comes to being more clear on different stats and unlockables. The way it currently works is that characters are unlocked by how close your current stats are to the required "recipe". There's also tooltips for each stat if you hover your mouse over them. It's not explicitly explained but it seems like you eventually figured it out!

I plan on revisiting this game. This was just a game jam entry but I think there's more potential value to be had. I may re-do the whole unlocking algorithm. There would be a character select screen, and the attacks are what are unlocked throughout the game. Each character will start with their unique attacks and maybe a passive trait. A lot of game balancing would need to be done as well. There's a lot to uncover here!

Thanks for replying. Excited to see how you'll expand the game, though I should note the hover tooltip doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm mousing over the name of the stat and the red / white bar next to it, but nothing happens